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Q: As a colony Rhode Island became known for what?
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Which colony did roger Williams found for people seeking religions freedom?

Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, commonly known as Rhode Island

How did the colony of Rhode Island begin?

Roger Williams, a Salem minister, was banished from Massachusetts Bay for his belief about the separation of church and state. He founded Providence Plantation, a settlement with complete religious freedom, in 1636. It later became known as Rhode Island.

Who founded the colony of Rhode Island was known for his feelings about freedom of worship?

The answer is Roger Williams.

What are some significant events in the history of Rhode Island?

# This colony was the first to guarantee all its citizens freedom of worship.# The colony was founded on separation of church and state.# Rhode Island is known for its fierce independence.

What is Rhode Island colonial region?

Rhode Island was a colony founded by Roger Williams in 1636 based on principles of religious freedom and separation of church and state. It became known as a refuge for religious minorities and those seeking individual freedom. It was the first colony to establish complete religious freedom.

Is Rhode Island a corporate colony?

Yes, Rhode Island and Connecticut were both known as corporate colonies. They had a charter granted to them as inhabitants designating them as a corporate body.

Which of the following individuals who founded the colony of Rhode Island was known for his feelings about freedom of worship?

Roger Williams

What was the religion in Rhode Island in the 1700 S?

In the 1700s, Rhode Island was known for its religious diversity, but the prominent religion was Protestantism, with various denominations such as Congregationalists, Baptists, Quakers, and Episcopalians. Rhode Island was founded on the principles of religious freedom, leading to a mix of faiths in the colony.

What products an businesses is Rhode Island known for?

Rhode Island is known for corn and seafood

What rivers ran through the Colony of Rhode Island?

Many but the Blackstone River is best known for its contribution to the industrial growth of the State.

What was formed by Puritan preacher Roger Williams?

After being expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Roger Williams founded Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, more commonly known only as Rhode Island.Roger Williams established Rhode Island.

What was roger Williams known for?

Roger Williams is famous for being a strong voice in the role of separation of Church and State. He was a theologian who lived in Rhode Island.