Answer 1
Yes they are happy ....because they feel safe ..due to sharia law.
Answer 2
It depends who you ask and how freely they feel they can talk. There are numerous Saudi women who have complained about certain discriminatory laws such as how: women cannot drive, women cannot work in factories that men work in, and how women cannot vote in municipal elections (Saudi Arabia does not have national elections since it is an Absolute Monarchy). However, it is much rarer to find Saudi women who complain about the "bigger issues" which bother Westerners about the situation in Saudi Arabia, such as: that the rape victim should be punished, the presence of a cult of domesticity, the veiling (including niqabs and abayas), and the education/literacy disparaties between women and men.
However, as is typical, women who come from underdeveloped areas are typically happier than women who are fully emancipated. This is because emancipated women often have additional stressors (work commitments, organizational meetings, political ideals, etc.) and have much more that is beyond their reach (when possibilities are unlimited, you feel that you can never reach them, etc.) As a result, Saudi women are generally happier than Western women, but whether or not this happiness is desirable is worth questioning.
Men & Women are able to vote in Saudi Arabia
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to vote. Only men can vote.
there are a lot of rich women in Saudi Arabia, the first women i think would be the kings wife hessah alshaalan.
Saudi Arabia is one of the most restrictive Muslim nations, and as such women have few if any rights.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia.
The role is different because in America women work do what ever they want and in Saudi Arabia the could not do any thing to help
From Dr Floyd: Flavius Josephus on book 1 chapter 15 says " Arabia the Happy" as translation by Dr Whinston used in stead of Saudi Arabia.
It's a part of their religion and in Saudi Arabia every religion except Islam is banned by the law.
To make more babies
Alcohol is banned in Saudi Arabia for all people, both men and women are forbidden. However, both men and women are permitted to drink any non-intoxicating beverage.