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Yes, all I do is turn on a heat lamp and point it at a patch of land in the fish tank and feed him whenever it is needed.

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Q: Are turtles easy to look after?
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Related questions

What do the different types of turtles look like?

i think different turtles would probably look like different turtles!they look different from regular turtles you see, but similar!

What do fresh water turtles look like?

Freshwater turtles typically have a streamlined shell, webbed feet for swimming, and a long neck for reaching food underwater. They come in various colors and patterns depending on the species, but commonly have a brown or green shell with lighter markings. Their eyes are typically positioned on the sides of their head.

Why turtles have no shells?

Turtles have shells. Look it up if you don't trust me.

Can a turtles spine break easy?

well in care of turtles no they cant break because there to hard like stone get it

Are softshell turtles easy to keep and do they NEED a filter?

All turtles need a filter in there tank or they will get sick from all the dirt.

What animals eat box turtles?

go look in a book

How do marine turtles look like?

they look like a turtle but blue

How do you find baby water turtles?

you look in the water and look for babies

What did odontochelys look like?

the ondontochelys look like turtles and a lizard

How do turtles get along with humans?

well snapping turtles are a little harder to get along with than most turtles but other than snappers if you feed the turtle and be a good owner to it than it will be easy to get along with.

Do baby turtles are tadpoles first?

No, when they hatch out of eggs they are air-breathing and look like small turtles

Are any two turtles alike?

yes two turtles look the same some do and don't thats your answer