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yes they do. they have over 91 active and 54 extinct volcanoes

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Yes,of course!

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Q: Are there volcanoes in Spain
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How many volcanoes are in Spain?

There are 832 volcanoes in the entire of Spain

Does the volcanoes in Spain still explode?

no they dont occur

How does Spain's location impact on it's natural resources?

it has volcanoes the mineralize its plant and economy

What are some landmarks and physical features of Spain?

The highest mountain range in Spain is Mount Teide. Spain also contains several volcanoes, islands, and rivers, including the Tagus River.

What are the names of the volcanoes in Europe?

Some notable volcanoes in Europe include Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius in Italy, Mount Teide in Spain's Canary Islands, and Mount Hekla in Iceland.

Which countries have the most volcanoes?

Indonesia, Japan, and the United States have the most volcanoes as they are located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is an area known for its high volcanic activity. These countries have numerous active and dormant volcanoes that contribute to their volcanic landscapes.

Where are all the countries that have volcanoes?

Countries with volcanoes are located along the boundaries of tectonic plates, known as the "Ring of Fire." These countries include Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Chile, Mexico, and Italy. Other countries with active volcanoes are Iceland, Ethiopia, and Tanzania.

Where is there a volcano in Spain?

There are several volcanoes in Spain, with the most well-known ones located in the Canary Islands. Mount Teide in Tenerife is the highest volcano in Spain and is a popular tourist attraction. There are also volcanic areas in the regions of Catalonia and Valencia, such as the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park.

What are three types volcanoes?

Three types of volcanoes are Cinder Cone Volcanoes, Shield Volcanoes and Composite Volcanoes.

Do volcanoes need lava to be known as actual volcanoes?

No, volcanoes do not need lava to be volcanoes.

What are the two type of volcanoes?

there are three and they are Active Volcanoes, Dormant Volcanoes, and Extinct Volcanoes.

What 2 types of volcanoes are there?

There are three. From smallest to largest, they are: Cinder Cones, Composite Volcanoes (also called Strata Volcanoes), and then Shield Volcanoes.