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Q: Are there tundras in Antarctica
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What continents is the tundra in?

Tundras are present in Antarctica, South America, North America, Europe, and Asia.

What are all the continents tundra has?

Tundras are present in North America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and South America.

Where are tundras located at?

Tundras are located in the Arctic and subarctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia, as well as in Antarctica. They are characterized by cold temperatures, low precipitation, and a layer of permanently frozen soil called permafrost.

How long do summers in Antarctica's tundras last?

There is no tundra on Antarctica. Tundra assumes botany, and there is none on the continent. Summer begins on December 21 and fall begins on March 21.

Does Mexico have tundras?

No. Tundras (Koppen climate classification ET) are exclusively located at subartic locations: Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, northern Russia and most of Antarctica's coasts.Tundra comes from the Russian name tundar, which means "treeless mountain tract".

What are different names of tundras around the world?

Some different names for tundras around the world include the Arctic tundra in the Arctic region, the Alpine tundra in mountainous regions, the Antarctic tundra in Antarctica, and the Patagonian tundra in South America.

Where are tundras located and what are they?

the tundras are located on different continents

Are desserts tundras?

Well, DESERTS are tundras depending where you are. There are arctic tundras that are not deserts, but tundra deserts that are hot as well.

What is the rhagidia mite?

is a mite that lives in Antarctica and the Arctic predates all you can and live in tundras that allows one pemperatura conserbar according to their habitat. Collembola feeds mainly on one esecie that is at the base of the food chain and can withstand many climates in Antarctica by lichens

Where are the arcyic tundras?

The arcyic tundras are located at 17 degrees latitude in africa!

What is an alliteration for the subject tundras?

Tremendous tundras stretch far.

What is the tundras rare plant?

The tundras rare plant is called the Poyterion Stilky