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Note that the continent of Antarctica is too cold to support animal life: there is no food chain on the continent. However, according to the Australian Antarctic Divisin, it is estimated that each spring season about 100 million birds breed along the Antarctic coastline and the offshore islands.

in all, there are around 45 species of birds that breed around the Antarctic continental coastline and otherwise occupy ice or warmer islands on the waters of the Antarctic region. These include:

  • Four species of penguins: Adelie, Emperor, Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins. Three more species are found in the Antarctic and in other locations: Rockhopper, Macaroni and King penguins.
  • Five species of albatross, including the Wandering, Grey headed, Black-browed, Sooty and Light-mantled albatross.
  • Four species of cormorants - the Blue-eyed Cormorant, Crozet shag, Imperial shag and Antarctic shag.
  • The Yellow-billed pintail is a waterfowl which occurs there.
  • The Snowy Sheathbill, South polar skua, Brown skua, Antarctic Prin, Southern Fulmar, and Kelp gull are also found in the Antarctic, along with both the Antarctic tern and the Arctic tern.
  • There are also 23 species of shearwaters and petrels which can be found in the region.
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13y ago

Most likely not, as it would be too cold with food too scarce. A cat introduced to Antarctica would not have enough time to adapt, and would freeze to death, or die of starvation. I don't think scientists have discovered any cat-like life forms in neither the Arctic or the Antarctic.

While there are no wild or feral cats in Antarctica, there have been many domesticated cats.

Perhaps the single most famous cat to visit the area was Mrs. Chippy, who was among the crew of the ill-fated Stapleton Expedition on the ship Endurance in 1914.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Chippy was executed before the crew embarked upon their famous 350 mile open boat voyage through some of the worst seas of the world to New Zealand.

There is a monument to him as his master's gravestone in Wellington New Zealand.

The complete story is here:
There are none native to the continent. Anyone who brings a cat to live as a pet is cruel. Your breath can freeze in place in that freezing cold place. Cats could not survive in that harsh climate.

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7y ago

Cats can't swim far enough to get there on their own. There might be some pet cats at McMurdo Station, brought by their human owners.

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There are no cats on Antarctica, not even as pets.

For a time dogs were allowed as working animals on the continent, but have since been banned. Dogs can transmit diseases to native marine life.

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7y ago

No animals live on the continent. There may be 'wild cats' on sub-Antarctic islands.

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Q: Are there cats in Antarctica
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When and Why were cats introduced to Antarctica?

There are no cats on the Antarctic continent.

Where are cats located?

Cats live on every continent except Antarctica.

What is the only place cats don't live?

There are no cats in Antarctica and no native species of cat in Australia.

Where are cats found?

Wild cats are found on all continents except Antarctica and Australia. However, Australia does have some cat-like marsupials.

Where does cats live?

EVERYWHERE! their is not a place in the world where there are no cats besides Antarctica and water places.

On what continent does the cat live?

Domesticated cats can live anywhere, if taken care of by humans, but big cats live on every continent except for Australia and Antarctica.

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- Go to Antarctica to reach the centre where you will see a large kitten that will meow - Cats - Cats & Aaron Hitler

What is the key to Isaac Newton's three laws of motion?

- Go to Antarctica to reach the centre where you will see a large kitten that will meow - Cats - Cats & Aaron Hitler

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Bipedal locomotion, snow cats, snow mobiles, airplanes, etc.

Where saber-toothed cats found world wide?

Saber toothed cats were a subfamily of cats called Machairodontinae. Machairodontinae fossls have been found on all continents except Antarctica and Australia. So the answer is yes, saber toothed cats did live worldwide.

Are there any large cats native to Antarctica?

No. But if polor bears were more cat like, yes. No other wise.

Do mice live in Antarctica?

Technically yes, and technically no. There are rats on the island of South Georgia, which is an island belonging to the content of Antarctica, however, great pains are being taken to prevent the from reaching the main land to prevent them from disrupting the fragile ecosystem.