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Yes. I live in a rural part and we have coyotes and their families in our yard.

I live in a suburb 6 miles from downtown minneapolis. we have very very small woods next to some railroad tracks in my neighborhood and we have coyotes. We see them mostly at night, but i have seen a few at 9 in the morning.

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Q: Are there any cougars in Minnesota?
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Why do cougars have babies?

Because if they didn't have any babies, there wouldn't be any cougars left.

When are cougars babies are born?

Cougars can be born any time of the year.

Are there any cougars left in world?


Do bears eat cougars or any large animal?

Bears are omnivores and may occasionally eat large animals like cougars if the opportunity arises, but it is not a common part of their diet. Bears typically feed on vegetation, fruits, insects, and small mammals. They are more likely to scavenge on carcasses of larger animals than actively hunt them.

What are a mooses natural predators if any?

Wolves, cougars and bears, mainly.

Are there cougars in South Africa?

No. Cougars are not indigenous to Africa and therefore you will not find any in the wild. There are however a few to be seen in zoos.

Do cougars fight with other cougars?

cougars try their best to avoid each other.

When did The Cougars end?

The Cougars ended in 1964.

When was The Cougars created?

The Cougars was created in 1961.

Are there cougars in Mexico?

Yes, there are Cougars in mexico.

What do you call a male cougar?

Male cougars are simply called cougars, there is no special term. Female cougars are she-cougars and baby cougars are known as cubs.

Do any cougars die of old age?

Yes, it is possible for almost any animal to die from old age.