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Answer 1

Obviously..... Christianity started in the Middle East.

Answer 2

Some Christian Churches in the Middle East include: the Copts of Egypt, the Maronites of Lebanon, and the Assyrians, Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholic, and Chaldeans of Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and Israel.

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Q: Are there any Christian Churches in the Middle East?
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Unlike Muslim mosques which face the Kaaba in Mecca, Christian churches do not face any particular direction because there is no holy object or city in the Christian faith. Christians believe that Jesus is in Heaven and their holy city will be the New Jerusalem that is revealed after Judgment Day. Answer 2: It used to be customary to have Christian churches facing east, and some still do. If you look back in history, greek and roman temples still had an orientation to the east - in that their front door faced east toward the rising sun. This is probably a remnant from earlier agricultural based religions. The door faced this way so that the cult statue inside would be looking towards the sun. In early christian churches, often the altar faces east so that the congregation faces east. This only happens of course when the urban space allowed a choice in orientation. It was and is not mandatory.

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