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I've done a fair amount of research on-line and have found nothing. While there is a lot that says Dubai is relatively "tolerant", the only Jewish place of worship of any kind I've found so far is the "Scroll Room" which is the tiny synagogue aboard the ship Queen Elizabeth II (formerly a Cunard Line cruise ship) that was recently purchased by Dubai. Whether they will renovate the room or eliminate it as part of the renovation I have found no information yet.

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Q: Are there Jewish temples in Dubai?
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Where are the Jewish temples located?

Jewish temples are located throughout the United States and the entire world. They are also called synagogues or shuls.

Did all of the Jewish temples have the star of david?

No; it's not required in Jewish law and not all synagogues have it.

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This is untrue. Every synagogue has seats.

What is the name of the temple picture to the right?

If referring to temples in Jerusalem, it could be the Temple Mount. This is one of the ancient Jewish temples.

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There was only one Jewish Temple and it was in Jerusalem.

Which building in Canaan was the most important to Jewish culture?

The Great Temples I & II.

Are there any Jewish synogogues in Dubai?

No, there are not. Moreover, individuals and families of Jewish heritage are routinely subject to public abuse and live in constant fear.

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What do Jewish use to play or to pray? If you are speaking of playing, it is very common for Jewish children to play with the driedel. If you are speaking of praying, they usually pray in temples.

What occurs in the Jewish temple?

There is no Jewish Temple as it was destroyed in the year 70BCE. If you are referring to modern day Jewish houses of worship, which are called Temples by some groups, they are places of prayer, study, and community celebrations.

Where in the Bible do you find stories about the early church?

Jewish synagogues or temples. The christian Faith was just forming.

Why is jeruslaem important to the Jews?

Jerusalem was the site of the First and Second Jewish Temples. It was the seat of government for King David and all the Judean Kings, and the central Sanhedrin (Jewish High Court of sages) for hundreds of years.