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With a few possible exceptions they are US Citizens.

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Q: Are the people of New Mexico citizens?
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What were Mexico citizens who lived in New Mexico called?


What is the populaton of New Mexico?

New Mexico had an estimated 2 million citizens in 2009.

What is the name given to residents of New Mexico?

Residents of New Mexico are called New Mexicans.

What were Mexican citizens who lived in New Mexico called?


When did Citizens' Movement - Mexico - end?

Citizens' Movement - Mexico - ended in 2011.

Why do most of the people in New Mexico speak spanish?

most of the people in New Mexico speak Spanish because a lot of people are from Mexico and people from mexico speak Spanish all the time.

Did Pancho Villa negatively affect New Mexico?

Yes, he attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico killing several American citizens and prompting a Punitive Expedition led by General John Pershing into Mexico.

Did the U.S. pay 5 million to citizens for the upper portion of California and parts of New Mexico?


What is mexicos customs and religious beliefs?

The majority of the citizens of Mexico are Catholic. Mexico is a very poor nation, but the people are proud and honest.

When was Citizens' Movement - Mexico - created?

Citizens' Movement - Mexico - was created on 1998-08-01.

Does a British citizens need a visa to visit Mexico?

No, they don't. People from most European countries just need their passport to enter Mexico.

How many people in New Mexico were employed in 2007?

Well over one million people were employed in New Mexico in 2007. The population of New Mexico in 2007 was just under two million people.