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Q: Are the highlands of Uruguay purple?
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What South American continent is nicknamed the purple land?


What does Uruguay mean in GuaranĂ­?

It means "purple land" . It is named for the wildflowers that once covered the local hills.

Which is older Maria or highlands?

Highlands is older than Maria. Highlands are ancient landforms that have been shaped over millions of years, while Maria are relatively younger plains resulting from volcanic activity on the Moon.

What are the two highland regions on the eastern side of South America?

The Brazillian Highlands and the Guiana Highlands

Can alligators be purple?

Yes, frogs can be purple just like the small green, blue, and red, frogs.There are many species of purple frog, including the Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, the common name for which is the Purple Frog, Indian Purple Frog, Pignose Frog or Doughnut Frog.A purple flueorescent frog species has also fairly recently been discovered in the South American highlands of Suriname.

Where do you see the flag of Uruguay?

In Uruguay. On flagpoles On products from Uruguay The UN building Embassies of Uruguay

Where does the name Mhairi orgininate from?

The Highlands. The Highlands.

Where are the highlands in London?

There are no Highlands in London. The UK area known as 'The Highlands' is located in the north of Scotland.

What is on the western border of Uruguay?

The Uruguay River that borders Uruguay with Argentina.

What forms the nature boundary between Argentina and Uruguay?

The Uruguay River

What are the Moon's highlands?

The Moon's highlands are rugged, mountainous areas on the lunar surface that are characterized by higher elevation and rough terrain. These regions are older than the maria (the dark, smooth plains) and are believed to have formed early in the Moon's history due to intense meteorite impacts that caused the crust to bulge and crack.

Where is the Atlantic Highlands Historical in Atlantic Highlands New Jersey located?

The address of the Atlantic Highlands Historical is: Po Box 108, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716