Sheep are actually Born in a sack and when they are being born the sack burst and all of the liquid spills out so you could say its an egg but not most technically a shell like a thin rubbery sack.
born alive
Calves are born alive
Baby dolphins (called calves) are born alive.
Some of species born alive, but most of them are born hatched.
Koalas are marsupials; therefore, they are born alive. Monotremes are the only mammals hatched from eggs, and the only monotremes are the echidna and the platypus.
Yes, even when it's hatched from an egg as a larvae.
Its a bird. It comes out of an egg like all birds.
One of the suggested activities to identify the animals hatched from the egg and born alive is the presence of beak. The beak or the sharp pointed part of the mouth is usually used to break away from the egg.
Platypuses are hatched from eggs. They are one of just two species of egg-laying mammals.
Coyotes are born alive just as dogs give birth to live pups.
they are hatched out of an egg they are hatched out of an egg
They are hatched from an egg.