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Q: Are semi slick Tires legal in Tasmania Australia?
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In Australia are road car allowed to have slick tires?

No not fully slick

Why do slick tires stick more tha tires with treadpatterns?

Because slick tires are made of softer rubber.

Why are NASCAR tires slick?

For maximum grip.

Can a car with cold slick tires drift in the wet?


What type of tires do race cars use?

slick tyres are used.

Do racing Trucks have slicks?

Yes.The reason why racing truck have slick because slick tire give them better cornering. Most auto racing ruled by FIA are only use slick tires.

What semi slick tires can you fit to a road bike?

Any tyre that will fit the rim and clear the frame.

Which is the fasteast kart on Mario Kart 7?

I would say the b dasher with slick tires. It has the highest speed.

What does the asc button on a Toyota do?

Auctomatic Stability Control. It helps to keep the tires from spinning on slippery surfaces. If you push the button it will disable and you can spin the tires on a slick surface if you wish.

What does slick mean?

Slick can mean smooth or glossy, such as a surface that is slippery. It can also refer to something that is clever or well-executed, like a slick marketing campaign.

What sort of tread should tires on a BMX have?

Depends on the surface you intend to ride on. Soft surfaces you want a knobbly fairly coarse pattern, hard surfaces you can use nearly slick tires.

What are good tires for burnouts and grip?

those are two different types of tires. for burnouts you want a slick tire made of a hard compound. for grip you want a tire made of a softer compound so it will melt slightly and be sticky.