Ninjas are from china
There are 2 types of ninjas in china; black and white ninjas, and abstract.
Black and white are ninjas who master the arts of painting and worshiping and abstract ninjas learn about the Qur'an, a Japanese book of the arts, and earn how to be sneaky and fight with bamboo ,shurikans, and kunai's also in china the color black means good the color white means bad.
yes! japan originated ninjas!
In Japan.
It began in the ghettos of Kobe, Japan, and yes, i do enjoy ninjas! There was no art of Ninjas ninjas didn't exist
Ninjas are like bees-just don't bother them.
Japan is samurai China is kung fu and ninjas . Korea is taekwondo.
ninjas originated in 14th century japan as assassins and mercenaries.
In china's Pastures
Ninjas originate from Japan from their skills that are told in ancient Japanese history
Ninjas came mainly from Iga and Koga in central Japan, on the island of Honshu