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The sea goddess Scylla was quite mermaid like. She was described by Homer as having 12 dangling feet and six long necks with grisly heads bearing a triple row of sharp teeth, but the late classical writers say she was once a beautiful nymph who was transformed into a monster by the jealous witch Kirke. In ancient Greek art she is most often seen as a beautiful mermaid/nymph with a fish tail in place of legs, a trident in her hand and a pair of dog fores around her waist.

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13y ago
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13y ago

A mermaid would represent the god of the ocean, Posiedon.

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12y ago

Mer-people are in Greek Mythology. One of the earliest representations is Oceanus one of the primordial Titans that actually pre-dates the Olympians.

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9y ago

Yes it does. However, they are usually referred to as water nymphs (ie: sea nymphs; ocean nymphs; river nymphs, etc).

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