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Yes. According to the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources all possible vendors should have the appropriate permit to sell, distribute or breed ferrets within the country.

If you already have a ferret as pet and are traveling to Mexico, you will need an an International Certificate of Good Health (Form 77-043) issued by a licensed veterinarian (signature must be approved by the State Veterinarian) who has examined your pet, and proof of vaccination against rabies and distemper, administered at least 15 days before your pet enters Mexico.

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13y ago

If you try to bring a ferret when crossing the border, it can be automatically be confiscated. You need to fill some paperwork beforehand.

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Yes, but only as pets.

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Q: Are ferrets illegal in Mexico
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Are ferrets legal in New Mexico?

Yes there legal in New Mexico, the only places they are illegal are New York City, California, and Hawaii.

Are ferrets illegal in San Diego CA?

Ferrets are illegal in the state of California.

Are ferrets illegal in Texas?

You are able to have ferrets in Iowa, there are only a few places that they are banned which are PARTS of New York City, and In California which are trying to be overturned.

Are ferrets illegal to keep as pets in Bakersfield?

Ferrets are illegal in the state of California and Hawaii

Are there wild ferrets in Hawaii?

actually, ferrets are illegal in Hawaii so there are no wild ferrets in Hawaii in general.

Why and how do so many people in America have ferrets if they are illegal?

Ferrets are not illegal in all states, or cities. Every state has their own rules on owning ferrets. There are only 3 states out of 50 that ban ferrets in America

Are ferrets legal in Garden Grove CA?

Ferrets are illegal in the State of California

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Are ferrets illegal in South Carolina?

of corse not! they have ferrets almost anywhere! exept California

Are ferrets illegal in GA?

Ferrets should be legal in Georgia if it's in the US ^^ Not True. Not all states/ cities in the US Have Ferrets as legal pets. New York City, New York. Hawaii, And California are the only places in the US where Ferrets are illegal

Are ferrets legal in Asia?

Ferrets are illegal in Singapore, China. Check with your countries veterinarians for more assistance

Are ferrets legal in China as a pet?

Ferrets are illegal in Singapore, China. Check with your countries veterinarians for more assistance