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No - only a small percentage are ginger.

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Q: Are all Scottish people ginger
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What percentage of people in Scotland are gingers?

To be honest barely anyone in Scotland are ginger im Scottish and I have brown hair ginger Scots are a stereotype.Also why did u say gingers it would be nicer 'saying why do Scootish people have ginger hair?' The answer is some scottish people have ginger hair because of their pale skin and the weather

Is crabbies alchoholic ginger beer Irish?


Why do people feel sorry for ginger people hair?

Because people with ginger hair get picked on for bring ginger.. This is mainly because it's a rare hair colour and it's unique and different but lots of people (not all) with ginger hair are quite ugly.

Is Irish and scottish worst enemies?

No they don't. Irish people and Scottish people get on very well.

Are there more left handed people or ginger haired people in Scotland?

There are more left-handed people in Scotland than people with ginger hair. Estimates suggest that around 10-12% of the Scottish population are left-handed, while only about 1-2% have naturally red hair.

Do all Scottish people have red hair?

It is estimated that 13% of Scottish people have red hair; 10% of the Irish.

What are scotish like?

The word is Scottish - and to be honest it's not really how you would refer to people from Scotland. Scottish is an adjective that denotes something as coming from Scotland - e.g. scottish books, scottish writers, scottish food, etc. of course you could say Scottish People with reference to the population etc, but usually people from Scotland are referred to as Scots. Scots are human - with the normal attributes that that would entail. a head, arms, legs, etc. Not all of us have ginger hair - despite what you may read in ill-informed press reports, we don't eat our young or make midnight sacrifices to a scottish god. We're basically the same as you - except that we're more intelligent and better looking!

Why are ginger and white cats boys?

Not all ginger cats are male. I own 5 ginger she cats, and one ginger and white tom.

What is the Gaelic word for ginger?

Please specify Irish Gaelic or Scottish Gaelic: they are two separate languages.

Do Down syndrome children always have ginger hair?

No, not at all. I know a few people with Down syndrome, and none of them actually has ginger hair.

Where do most Scottish people go on vacation?

Most Scottish people go up my butt and 'round the corner for vacation.

Are girls attracted to ginger people?

hell yeah, they f3ck leprechauns all the time.