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No, its not! Bilgarian- Bulgarski now-a-days is B-U-L-G-R-S-K-I. Its in Cyrillic.

Well Pra-Bulgarian (by invaded Bulgars from Altai in 681 under the face of Haan Asparukh) established here. They dominatd and 'temted' the local slavs, mizians etc and """" may be""" tried to inforce some of the words from their so called ALTAI language. To be very frank, most of the words in EVEN today's Bulgarian is dominated by WORDS WITH SLAV origin.

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Maybe yes.

For sure the old Macedonians do not exist anymore.

Today macedonian are Bullgarians mixed with other slavic people.

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Q: Are Slavic Macedonians Bulgarians
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