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Siberian Tigers sleep a very long time, typically about 18 to 20 hours a day. They sleep on rocks, in grass in their wild habitat, next to their prey or wherever they feel the need to rest. Tigers typically do not spend more energy than what's needed, because if they spend more energy, they require more food. Tigers usually sleep after they make a kill and eat. Because a tiger can feed off of one large prey for a number of days, a tiger generally eats as much as he can and then rests or sleeps near the prey until ready to gorge again. Tigers rest by their prey to keep other predators from taking their food. Once a tiger eats all the prey, the tiger rests and sleeps. When he awakens, the tiger begins his search again for more food.

a syberian tiger lives in a den that it finds in a cave and claims it as its own terotory
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7y ago
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13y ago

they don't hibernate or migrate they stay active all year long. i hope you found this answer helpful. ;D

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8y ago

They don't migrate or hibernate.

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15y ago

yes they are

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9y ago

No,a Siberian husky does not hibernate

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Amur Tigers and Siberian Tigers are the the same species of tiger. Amur is just another name for Siberian.

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The Siberian Tigers habitat is the Tundra.

Do Siberian tigers live in grasslands?

Yes Siberian Tigers do live in grassland

What made Siberian tigers endangered?

The siberian tigers are endangered because they are hunted.

Where do Siberian tigers get their name?

They are called Siberian Tigers because they live in Siberia.

Do Siberian tigers have adaptations?

yes they do type in to wikianswers adaptations of siberian tigers

What is stronger a Siberian tiger or a Sumatran tiger?

Siberian tigers are stronger then sumatran tigers because Siberian tigers are the most wildest tiger in the world.

Where do Siberian tigers nest?

Siberian tigers will find dry sheltered places to nest, and have their cubs.