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Q: Ancient Egypt's class system was not rigid?
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The slave based agricultural system in the south encouraged the development of?

a rigid social class system.

The slaved-based agricultural system in the south encouraged the development of what?

A rigid social class system.

Describe the social hierarchy in Ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egypt had three main social classes--upper, middle, and lower. The upper class consisted of the royal family, rich landowners, government officials, important priests and army officers, and doctors. ... Ancient Egypt's class system was not rigid. People in the lower or middle class could move to a higher position.

How was society in Virginia like English society?

both had a rigid class system

The Japanese feudal system and the Hindu caste system are similar in that both?

Developed a rigid class structure.

The Japanese feudal system and the Hindu caste system are similar in both that systems?

Developed a rigid class structure.

How did the aryans determine one's social class?

The Aryans used a system called varna to determine social class. Your social class was determined by birth, with four main varnas: Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaishyas (farmers and merchants), and Shudras (laborers). This system was hierarchical and led to a rigid social structure in ancient Indian society.

What is the definition of rigid social hierarchy?

How things worked before WW1 in terms of class system etc.

Which is characteristic of feudalism in both medieval Europe and Japan?

all the people knew their roles in a rigid class system

Which was a characteristic of feudalism in both Europe and Japan during the middle ages?

People knew their roles in a rigid class system.

How was the feudalism in Japan similar to the feudalism in Europe?

all the people knew their roles in a rigid class system

Was the progressive era was a middle class movement that was designed to change the political system and social economic system of the US?

The progressive era was a combination of middle class , upper middle class and even higher classes that challenged the hierarchies of the rigid political system, bureaucracy in social system with initial monopolistic economic growth prospects.