

Best Answer

You can drop out of any school, as long as you meet the age requirements.

The legal age of leaving school on your own is 18. But you can also leave at

16 or 17 in certain states with a parent notice. School is not an easy thing to

get through now a days, which is why people get stressed out and make these


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Q: Age you can drop out of school in suffolk county New York?
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A person can drop out anytime! Drop out if you want!

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Do NOT drop out of school, keep going and graduate highschool at least!

What is the legal age to drop out in new york?

16 or one school year after 16.

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i know you can do it in Ohio

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When you are 16 with parental consent.

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Walter Dean Myers dropped out of Stuyvesant High School in New York City.

Legal Drop out age in New York?

In the state of New York the legal drop out age to leave school is 18. It was 16 but was recently changed to 18.

How old do you have to be to drop out of school in Tennessee?

Don't drop out.. there are no jobs available except at the local McDonald's for drop outs. And go to college the only way to survive today! Take it from a TN high school drop out!! Though I went back, it just gets harder!!

What requirements does the Henrico County Virginia school board have for 16 year old to drop out?

The state of Virginia requires school attendance until age 18. The will not have a process.