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Q: After meeting with Santa Anna in Mexico City in 1833 Stephen f Austin did what?
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Who were Stephen F. Austin and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna?

Stephen F. Austin, started a colony on the lower Colorado River; Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna ruled Mexico.

What did Santa Anna and Stephen F. Austin agree to?

In 1830, Mexico banned Anglo American immigration. Later Santa Anna and Stephen Austin agreed to allow Anglo immigration to Mexico to continue but did not allow Texas to become an independent state.

Why did Stephen Austin travel the Santa Fe Trail?

Stephen Austin was in Texas. He did not travel the Santa Fe Trail.

Why was Stephen f Austin jailed?

Stephen F Austin was put into jail because while he was in Mexico, he gave Santa Anna a document that stated what the Texans wanted. Even though Santa Anna said no to most of the demands, Stephen F Austin still sent a letter to the Texas government to tell them that Santa Anna said yes! The Mexicans intercepted the letter and put Stephen F Austin in jail.

Why was Stephen F Austin in jail?

Stephen F Austin was put into jail because while he was in Mexico, he gave Santa Anna a document that stated what the Texans wanted. Even though Santa Anna said no to most of the demands, Stephen F Austin still sent a letter to the Texas government to tell them that Santa Anna said yes! The Mexicans intercepted the letter and put Stephen F Austin in jail.

Did Santa Anna have a war with Stephen F. Austin?


When was Stephen f. Austin arrested?

1832, cuz of santa anna

When Santa Anna was captured what did Sam Houston trade Santa Anna's life for?

Stephen F. Austin

Who presented a petition to Santa Anna for a greater self government in Texas?

Stephen Austin (which is were the capital "Austin" came from)

What day and month and year did Santa Anna arrest Stephen F Austin?

Santa Anna never "arrested" Stephen Austin. Santa Anna was defeated by Texan forces at the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, and Santa Anna was captured the following morning. Austin was in New Orleans, Louisiana when that took place.

Why did Stephen F Austin approve of the Consultation?

He was convinced that Santa Anna was becoming a dictator.

When did Stephen Austin ask Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to colonize in Texas?

Moses Austin received permission to locate an empresarial plantation in Texas but died before he could launch the settlement. It was left to son Stephen F. Austin to fulfill his father's dream. And Stephen Austin had to secure the permission from the new Mexican government, which displaced Spanish rule that same year before he could bring the first Anglo families into Texas. He traveled to Mexico City in 1822-1823 to secure Mexican recognition of the Spanish grant. This done, he colonized the 300 families, as well as an additional 750 families under subsequent contracts. It was 1835 when Santa Anna took power in Mexico.