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Many lost their land when Anglos passes an unfair law. -apex

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Jazlyn Hoppe

Lvl 10
2y ago
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8y ago

Many lost their land when Anglos passed an unfair law.

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Sophia Rickabaugh

Lvl 6
2y ago

Many lost their land when Anglos passes an unfair law. -apex

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Will Schultz

Lvl 1
2y ago
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Dylan Michaels

Lvl 1
1y ago
thank u ma'am

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Lvl 1
3y ago

many lost their ____ after the angelos passed a unfair law

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Lvl 1
3y ago
Wh-... why the blank...?
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Nicholas Thomas

Lvl 1
3y ago
Many lost there land, Thx for the hint btw

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Lvl 1
3y ago

many lost their land when Anglos passed and unfair law.

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Q: After California became part of the US what happened to many California who had lived there when it was part of Mexico?
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After California became part of the United States what happened to many Californians who had lived there when it was part of Mexico?

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Was California the first state of America?

No. California became a state in the United States of America in 1850. It was the 31st state in the Union. Before that, the territory that is now California was part of The United States of Mexico, a short lived Republic of California, and part of the Spanish empire.

California became an independent republic called the what republic?

California became an independent republic called the "Bear Flag Republic" in 1846 after a group of American settlers declared independence from Mexico. The republic was short-lived, lasting only 25 days before California was annexed by the United States.

Where did Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo live before he set sail to California?

He lived in Mexico

What were four things the Spanish did after they gained control of Mexico?

Well obviously, they lived in mexico. Also, they took control of California. Baja California. They then created the cities. Then the states. Those are the four things they did.

What happened after Galatea became alive?

She lived a long and happy life with Pygmalion, her creator.

What were Mexicans living in New Mexico called?

Mexicans who lived in California are called

What happened in other countries because of the Declaration of independence?

they all became happy and lived happily ever after

What country does esperanza live in Esperanza Rising?

Esperanza lives in Mexico at the beginning of the novel "Esperanza Rising."

Was there a President born in New Mexico?

As far as I know, no president were born/lived in New Mexico.

Who made Mexico?

A Mexican tribe were a group of travelers and found a lake called Tenochtitlan. They settled there because the God told them to go where the eagle stood on a cactus with a snake in his beak. Then Mexico became Mexico. -From a person who lived in Mexico

How many miles is it from the us to Mexico?

Since Mexico borders the US, the answer to this question could be 1-3000, depending upon from where the travel begins. For instance, if I lived in New York, it would be about 3000-3500 miles to Mexico. But, if I lived in San Diego, California, it would be just a few miles.