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i dont know look away you ******* prick cockle *********** *****

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Q: A rabbit is hunted by predators in the wild How has it adapted to avoid being eaten?
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How has a rabbit avoid predators?

They usually defend them selves with their feet.They are actually kinda like ninjas.

What kinds of things can animals do to defend themselves?

They can spray (Skunk), Poison (like some plants) or have adapted senses to avoid predators.

How tigers avoid predators?

Tigers are top predators. They do not have any natural predators

Why is it important for a species to avoid predators?

Avoiding predators is important for a species to ensure its survival and reproduction. Being hunted by predators can lead to population decline or extinction. By evolving strategies to avoid predators, organisms increase their chances of passing on their genes to the next generation.

Describe a specific example of how this ability would help an animal in the wild avoid a predator?

There is no specific ability mentioned in this question to accurately answer. Many animals have adapted to become "invisible" to their predators.

Why is the snowshoe rabbit able to live in the taiga?

The snowshoe rabbit blends in with the snow to avoid predators during winter. The large feet help it walk on the snow and the fur protects the feet from freezing. In summer, the snowshoe hare turns brown to blend in with the trees and bushes.

How have animals adapted to life on land?

Animals grew legs to help them walk on land. They also developed lungs to enable them to breathe. Many grew hair to keep their body temperatures regulated and their senses were adapted to be able to do things like find food and avoid predators.

How do gibbons avoid predators?

well gibbons avoid predators by either running away or fighting back hope this helps:)

How do rabbits defend themselves fron enemies?

I am a rabbit owner and have often pondered this question myself. I recently found the answer after visiting my local vet. If the enemies is nearby the rabbit will freeze and pretend to be invisible, at the right moment the rabbit will run at immense speed to saftey. However if the rabbit is acctually being attacked they will use there back legs to violently kick the predator or bite them with their teeth. A rabbit will also scratch or dig on the enemy to hurt it and warn it away.

How are sloths adapted to their habitat?

Sloths are adapted to their habitat through their slow metabolism, allowing them to conserve energy in their low-energy diet of leaves. Their long claws help them grip tree branches, while their greenish fur provides camouflage against predators. Their slow movement and low body temperature help them avoid detection by predators in the treetops.

How did the giant sloth avoid being hunted?

to avoid being hunted the giant ground sloth spent most of its life over 150 feet in the air hiding in a tree

How do cockroaches avoid predators?
