It will be 6.00 PM in Indian standard time
6:30 est
10 am EST is equal to 8:30 pm India time. India is 9.5 hours ahead of EST.
6.30 pm EST is equivalent to 5.00 am IST the next day. The time difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Indian Standard Time (IST) is 10.30 hours.
At 6 PM InST, it's 7:30 AM EST.
In North America,0930 EST = 0830 CST = 0930 CDT = 1030 EDT, and0930 EDT = 0730 CST = 0830 CDT = 0830 EST.In Australia,0930 EST = 0900 CST = 1000 CDT = 1030 EDT, and0930 EDT = 0800 CST = 0830 EST = 0900 CDT.Examples:In June, when it's 0930 EDT in New York, it's 0830 EST in Jamaica, 0830 CDT in Chicago, and 0730 CST in Guatemala.In December, when it's 0930 EDT in Sydney, it's 0900 CDT in Adelaide, 0830 EST in Brisbane, and 0800 CST in Darwin.
9.30 AM EST is equivalent to 7.00 PM Indian Standard Time (IST) on the same day. Time difference between India and East Coast USA is 9 hours and 30 minutes.
When it's 8 PM EST on the American continent, it's either 2 AM IST or 1 AM GMT in Ireland, either 3 AM IST or 4 AM IDT in Israel and 6:30 AM IST in India.
11am GMT is 6am EST.
If it is 12pm EST time, then it would be 11am CST time. CST is one hour behind EST.