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It was a major oil refinery used ror more than half of the U.S. fuel.

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yes,because it was a major oil refinery used more than half of the u.s fuel

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Q: 7 Why was the island of Curacao an important part of World War 2?
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Why was the island of Curacao an important part of World War 2?

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Where is the Island Bonaire located?

Island Bonaire is Caribbean island located in central America, north of Venezuela and east of Curacao. It's a special municipality of the Netherlands and is part of the ABC islands group (Aruba, Island Bonaire and Curacao).

What is curacao's neighbor?

Curacao is part of the ABC islands. Aruba Bonaire and Curacao. So: Aruba and Bonaire are it's neighbors!

Is curacao a country?

Curacao is a country. It is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, together with Aruba, St. Martin, and the Netherlands.

What are soame Facst about the willemstad and curacao?

Never heard of Curacao? Don't worry here is some quick info about Curacao. Curacao or "Korsou" in the local tongue, or written as Curaçao as it should actually be written, is a small island in front of the Venezuelan coast. Geographically, Curacao is part volcanic, part coral and part sediment. Curacao is located below the hurricane belt and as such there has not been a hurricane on Curacao for 180 years. It's mostly dry, with one rain season from October to November. The primary wind is the North-East trade wind, called "passaat". It is consistent almost year round, except in the rain season. Curacao was discovered in 1499 by the Spanish. It had been conquered and reconquered by the English and Spanish until the Dutch claimed it in 1663. Curacao was the centre of the Dutch slave trade, until it was abolished in 1863. Curacao is part of the Netherlands Antilles, which consists of Bonaire, Saba,St Maarten and St Eustatius. The Netherlands Antilles, Aruba and The Netherlands make up the Dutch Kingdom. Curacao is a melting pot, with more than 50 different nationalities living on the island, which is about 60 kilometre long and at most 15 kilometre wide. The official language is Dutch, however the language spoken by the majority of people is Papiamento. Papiamento is a mixed language, with properties of Spanish, Dutch, English and African languages. Spanish is also widely spoken. Curacao has a long Caribbean history, its capital Willemstad is on the UNESCO world heritage list and consists out of 17 century Dutch Architecture. Willemstad also contains the oldest Jewish Temple of the Western Hemisphere. Curacao is exceptionally good for diving, with more than 60 identified divespots. The islands is ideal for any type of water sport. Windsurfing is hot in Curacao. More and more people of all ages are picking up the sport. Kids of 8 years old can be seen doing aerial manoeuvres, while others a speeding on the warm waters.

What continent does cubs belong to?

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Who owns curacao?

Curacao is a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is one of the five territories of the ABC islands in the Netherland Antilles which also consist of Aruba and Bonaire.

Where is Curacao?

Curacao is one of the ABC Islands in the Southern Caribbean (off of Venezuela's coast). The ABC Islands were part of the Dutch or Netherlands Antillies comprised of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao. In late 2010, Curacao became an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the "Netherlands Antilles" was dissolved.

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Greenland is the largest island in the world and is a Danish territory. It is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark.

What is otrobanda?

Otrabanda is a historically important part of Willemstad, the capital of Curacao. It contains many important pieces of architecture. However, in comparison to Punda, which lies across the St. Anna Bay, Otrobanda has always been seen as the poorer part of the city. [Note that the fourth letter is spelled either a or o.]