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Q: 3 National flower of Britain
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Is daffodil the national flower of Britain?

No. The national flower of Britain is the rose.

The national flower of Britain is?

Britain does not have a national flower, because Britain is not a nation, it is a union of several nations.England, which head of the union, has the rose as their national flower. Scotland use the their national flower. Wales have the daffodil. And Northern Ireland use the flax flower. These all make up the main British Isles.Britain also has several overseas territories, such as the Falklands. The Falklands for example, use the pale maiden as their official flower.

How do you spell flower in Britain?

In Britain "flower" is still spelt "flower".

What flower is the national flower of Indonesia?

Indonesia has 3 national flowers, Jasmine, Moon Orchid, and Rafflesia.

What flower is the national flower of Malawi?

The national flower of Malawi is a Lily

What flower is the national flower of Kuwait?

The national flower of kuwait is the Al-Arfaj flower.

What is greek's national flower?

1. Greece does have a national flower.2. Greece does have a national flower.

What is Spain's national flower?

Spain's national flower is the.............CARNATION!!!!!

What is the National flower of Tunisia?

The Jasmine flower has become the national flower of Tunisia.

What is national flower of Afghanistan?

The National Flower of Afghanistan Is Tulip,the red flower.

What is the national flower of dominica?

The national flower is Caoba

What is Sudan's national flower?

there is no national flower of sudan!