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Your valve cover gaskets are leaking oil down into spark plug holes. Very costly -you need to replace the coils, plugs, and gaskets. Happy New Year! My Lincoln did the same thing. Lets sell the P.O.S!

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Q: 2001 Lincoln ls v8 Engine smells of burning oil no sign of oil leak smell comes int car from heater?
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Car heater smells like burning rubber?

A car heater that smells like burning rubber could be an indication of a belt that is slipping. The slipping belt smell can be drawn in from the engine compartment into the passenger cabin.

Defroster smells like antifreeze Lincoln LS?

If you mean "why", then the answer is that there is a leak in the heater core.

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The new car burning smell is probably just the oils burning off the engine. As the engine warms up for the first time, it will release a odor that smells like something is burning.

What does it mean when ever you turn your car heater on it smells like burning rubber and your car wants to die?

Possible that the ac compressor is locking up.

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Oil on engine burning as engine overheats. Sort of common sense, don't ya think?

2001 Lincoln town car air vent is blowing smoke and smells like antifreeze when the air is on. Any ideas what is causing this?

Your heater core is leaking.

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Burning cotton will smell like burning paper because both cotton and paper come from plants and burning wool smells like burning hair because both wool and hair comes from animals.

Why does your house heater smell like its burning?

When you turn on the heater for the first time, it smells because it's the accumulation of the dust from the spring and summer. it's fine just turn it on for about 15 min with the windows open and it'll disappear in no time :)

When vehicle is on it smells like the gasoline is burning?

You have a serious safety problem or a engine control problem. See a technician immediately! 3 minutes

Car smells like antifreeze and overheats?

most likely you need to replace te heater core.generally i if the leak is on engine you wont smell it in the car

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When rayon burns, it usually smells like burning paper or wood, due to its cellulose base.

Why smells like antifreeze inside the car?

It is possible that the heater core ( the device that heats the air inside the car) is leaking. It is connected to the engine cooling system.