

With the MD stay at home order: Can traveling to and from my boyfriend’s house be considered essential?

Updated: 9/27/2023

We both have mental health issues and I have slight separation anxiety. Being around him is a benefit to both of our mental states. Could this count as essential? And how would I explain if I’m pulled over?

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Tamera Bell

Lvl 1
4y ago

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Whether traveling to and from your boyfriend's house is considered essential depends on a few factors. Generally, travel for essential activities such as obtaining food and healthcare is permitted. Additionally, travel for outdoor activity, essential work, and religious services is permitted. Whether travel to visit your boyfriend could be considered essential would likely depend on the current circumstances and if you are able to follow social distancing guidelines. If you are unable to social distance while visiting, or if it is not necessary to visit, it is not recommended.

For instance, if you are able to communicate with your boyfriend while staying at home, it is recommended that you do not travel to his house. If you do need to travel, it is important to practice social distancing and wear a face covering while doing so. Additionally, it is important to consider the current COVID-19 activity in the area, as it may be necessary to limit travel to essential activities only.

To summarize, traveling to and from your boyfriend's house during the Maryland stay at home order may be considered essential depending on your circumstances. However, it is important to practice social distancing and wear a face covering if you do travel, and to also consider the current COVID-19 activity in the area. It is best to communicate with your boyfriend while staying at home if possible.

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Drake Rodriguez

Lvl 13
1y ago
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