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Oh, it sounds like you're curious about Teresa Fidalgo. Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the world around us instead of focusing on where she lives. Remember, there are so many wonderful things to explore and be grateful for right where you are.

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Where does Teresa Fidalgo live?

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Where can one find information about Teresa Fidalgo?

Teresa Fidalgo is reputed to have been killed in a car crash in Portugal in 1983 and now haunts the stretch of road where she was killed. The website Teresa Fidalgo recounts the story and there are also videos available on YouTube.

How did Teresa Fidalgo die?

in 1983 she died around her 20s

Who is Teresa Fildago?

Teresa Fidalgo es una mujer que cumplio 27 años the muerte

Is Teresa fidalgos story real?

Yes, Teresa Fidalgo's story is a hoax that originated as a viral marketing campaign for a Portuguese horror film in 2014. There is no factual basis to the story of Teresa Fidalgo being a ghost haunting a road in Portugal.

Who plays the ghost of Teresa Fidalgo?

The name of the woman who played Teresa Fidalgo in this video was not released as the video was originally intended to be passed off as reality until the producer, David Rebordão confessed it was a fake on his website.

Is the video on Youtube about Teresa Fidalgo real?

no people make up stuff

How old was Teresa fidalgo when she died?

she was about in her 20's.that is all i can say right now.

Should you pass on chainmail about Teresa fidalgo?

NO! it is incredibly annoying and it can scare people and itt blocks up peoples walls

What happened to Teresa Fidalgo?

The annoying chain mail that drives us crazy... Well, Teresa Fidalgo has apparently died in a car accident at 1983 in a small town in Portugal and we all have seen her "ghost" in a video... Thank God this video is fake and its creator admit it... In conclusion ghosts do not exist so do not be scared by fake films... :)

Is teressa fidalgo story real?

We believe ( me & abbie ), that the Teresa Fidalgo story is actually REAL.When abbie got the text, she actually had a car crash, because she didnt forward it.So best of luck. Be safe.~HollymayabbsLeigh~

When did Ubirajara Fidalgo die?

Ubirajara Fidalgo died in 1986.

When was Raquel Fidalgo born?

Raquel Fidalgo was born in Galicia, in Spain.