A credit card is a line of credit to use and pay a minimum payment each billing cycle A charge card is a line of credit you pay in full each month or a minimum payment usually they are store card they do not have a Visa,MasterCard,AMEX,Discover logo to them. A debit card is taking the money from your checking account direclty you can use it as a credit transaction that just means it's processed as an offline transaction and you sign your receipt or you may be able to use the debit transaction and that's pin based and that a online transaction like a ATM cash card
Nothing, Visa is just a brand name for credit cards. Just like MasterCard, Discover, etc.
short term credit
The annual fee of a credit card is a charge applied once yearly. This charge is the cost of having the credit card. There are many credit cards available that do not charge a fee. The credit cards that do charge a fee often offer rewards, like travel.
Credit cards are also called charge cards.
Most people think credit card and charge card are the same thing. This is not entirely correct. The difference is that the charge card is a special kind of credit card that you have to pay the entire balance off each time you receive a bill. You cannot make a partial payment, and there is no interest involved. With a credit card, you can treat it like a loan to yourself. You can make a partial payment when the statement comes in, and then pay interest on the balance each month until it is paid in full. Some people just keep making partial payments and pay interest on credit cards for years and years.
There is very little difference between a normal credit card and military credit cards. These cards can be used in the same way as normal ones, and will also have specific credit limits applied. The main difference with a military card is that the interest rates are usually lower than regular credit cards.
EFTPOS can accept credit cards, EPOS only cash
You charge to much credit cards.
Credit Cards are a type of charge card. American Express is a charge card brand that offers both credit and debit cards. It depends on the account type of the person using it.
The major difference between Visa and Discover is that Visa is accepted in more places. They are both credit cards, both with their own perks.
Debit cards are check cards that withdraw money from your savings account. When using credit cards, you are borrowing money that you will pay back when the bill is sent to you, but also includes interest.