Acura Blue: PANTONE 282 Acura Silver: PANTONE 877 Acura Gray: PANTONE 423 Black: Process Black White: Ultra Bright White
The right color for the blue on the new logo of pepsi is Pantone 2945C
The colors are red (Pantone 485) and yellow (Pantone 116).
get a rag!
I found on a website the pantone colors BMW uses for its logo. I'm not sure if it's true, but here's the closest thing I've found. Pantone Cool Grey 10 Other colors are: Pantone 293 (blue), black, Pantone 877 (silver)
285 true blue
The correct color is Pantone 299c
The hexicolor equivalent of Pantone 144c is #ED8000. The hexicolor code #ED8000 is used to reference the correct color in programs such as Photoshop and Paintshop Pro.
From Toyota Dealer website. (I'm a website desiger & developer.) TOYOTA Pantone PMS485 RGB 216-30-5 HEX #D81E05