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Q: What is the average size of Mexican houses?
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What is the average size of a Mexican farm house?

3 miles

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How big is the average Japanese house?

well....... It's the same size us houses in Canada.

What is the average size of a Japanese house?

The average size of a Japanese house is around 1,000 square feet. However, houses in urban areas tend to be smaller due to limited space, while houses in rural areas can be larger.

What is the average size of a Mexican?

Well the average weight of a dishwasher would have to be around 150 pounds so im going to say in the average from 130 to 170 pounds

What is a common size for a bedroom window?

I've lived in many houses and 36 x 48 seems to be average.

What is the average size of a house in Vietnam?

The average size of a house in Vietnam is typically around 70-90 square meters. However, this can vary depending on the urban or rural location, with urban houses generally being smaller in size.

How big are average Denver houses?

The average square foot home in the Denver, Colorado area is 2,300. This is slighter larger than the average home size in the United States of America.

What is the average size of a Canadian home?

most houses in Canada are very large and mostly range from 2 stories to about 6.

What race of men has the longest penis on average?

A black gay pan sexual. They are packing 3 ft.

What was the average family size in the colonies?

The average Colonial family had 9 members. Some had larger families, but many had children who died from disease during infancy and childhood. The majority of families resided in houses that were the size of a modern day garage.

Whats the average weight of a human Mexican baby?

In Mexico, the average weight of a newborn baby is 7 pounds 4 ounces. Of course there are bigger and smaller babies born but that is the average size based on 2013 data.