the resident of Mongolia overstay in nigeria
staying beyond the time limit is overstay and extending the stay is stay over.
rester trop longtemps
Overstay punishment in Fiji
overstay, linger, dwell
we are regestered with NHS my son is going to school from 4yrs
No, but when i tell clients this they always reply, "How will the government know"
The penalties are that you are subject to arrest and deportation at any time. Your visa would be cancelled (if caught) and it will be difficult to get another visa/overstay waiver. Finally, unless you marry a US citizen, you cannot adjust your status while you are an overstay.
SitHouse TrainingFetchDon't Bite/ChewRoll OverStay
Yes, provided he or she does not overstay the expiration of the visa.
elongate, extend, stretch, drag out (time), savor, overstay, prolong