Chew gum, eat a light dinner and stay active.
Put on mascara or chew gum
Eat mashed Potatos
Valley Forge
Many stay at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Places closer to the equator.
There are many websites that offer wine country vacation packages. For example, if you're interested in Sonoma Valley trips, the Sonoma Valley website @ has many packages listed. Similarly, lists many places to stay in Napa Valley, and some of the individual hotels offer vacation packages.
1777 because thats when the winter came and so they had to stay there. ~A.B.R.~
Alot of basketball players chew gum to stay hydrated
There are many beautiful places to stay while in Belize.
It can be assumed that they have several different secret places to stay in case of an emergency. Of course, civilians are not privvy to their wherabouts.
I would be very surprised if someone actually saw Bigfoot in the Napa Valley. Bigfoot would not come so close to humans. They are very elusive and stay in the remotest places they can find. The Napa Valley is almost completely wall to wall vinyards and wineries and more important than that is the people. Tourists, vinyard workers and of course the locals.