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You don't need any, but it could help you by teaching you business skills.

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Q: How many years of collage do you need to become an business owner?
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How many years of school do you have to take to become a culinary business owner?

There are no educational requirements to become a business owner. A degree in business would certainly help. A culinary certificate or degree would also be of value.

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I think you have to spend approx. 5 or 6 years in collage to become a CSI.

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you have to go to college for about 5-7 years

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To become an artist you need your bachelors degree and 2-5 years of collage.

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A BS in Education can on average be achieved in four years.

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4 years at college(get your bachelors) then 4 years of medical school

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High school and 2 years of collage