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The five star rating of a hotel normally indicates it is a luxury hotel. These are first class hotels with a 24 hour concierge. These are the types of hotel that will have valet parking, 24-hour bilingual reception and Doorman service. There will be a turn-down bed service. The rooms will have bars containing alcohol and/or non-Alcoholic Beverages. There will be food or snacks in the room and the hotel will usually have one or several fully staffed, full-service bars and restaurants.

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Q: How does a hotel become a five star hotel?
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St martin's lane hotel is not a five star hotel. It is actually only a four star hotel. It has many great qualities, but it just did not qualify for five stars. There are huge rooms, great service, and great food as would be in a five star hotel.

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The Luhya translation of the English words 'five star hotel' is "Ihoteli yi ikuluu".

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There are certainly five star hotels in Denmark. For instance, there are international five star hotels such as Hilton hotel, the Grand Hyatt, and the Wyndham hotel.

Is there a 7 star hotel?

Not in America, its a five star system

What is the difference between a 5star and 3star hotel?

3-star is an overall average hotel. these aren't very expensive. 4-star is a good relatively good hotel for families. it costs more than a 3-star but less than a five-star. 5-star is an all-around amazing hotel. it is usssually the most expensive.

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How do you become a five star trainer?

You have to become a five star trainer first

What is a five star hotel in Nevada?

There are many different five star hotels in Nevada. Depending on what kind of hotel you are looking for and where you will be will a big factor on the hotel you will stay at during your time in Nevada.