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Q: Example of perishability
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How perishability affects companies?

It makes them spoil and rot

What are the characteristics of products and services?

Product / ServiceTangible / IntangibleSeperatable / InseperatableHomogeneous / HeterogeneityStore / Perishability

What are the salient features of financial services?

intangibility inseparable heterogeneity perishability fiduciary responsibility

What is meant by tourism perishability?

Tourism is a service that you are selling. Since it is a service and not a tangible good, it is perishable or in other words you can't stock up and save it. An example of perishability in tourism would be airline tickets. Say there are 100 seats on a flight at a certain time and only 70 of them are bought. You can't use the 30 empty seats and apply them to the next flight. Instead the 30 seats stay empty and are a loss to the company. The empty airline seats no longer count and are perishable.

What is the definition of perishability variability inseparability and intangibility in service characteristic?

Perishability is relating to the fact that services can not be stored. They must be consumed when offered, they can not be held or stocked. Variability is when the quality of services varies due to who provides them. Also where, when and how they are provided. Inseparability is when services can not be separated from there providers. Intangibility is when services can not be seen, tasted, heard, smelt or felt. Services are performed not produced.

What is the classification of foods based on perishability?

Foods can be classified into three main categories based on perishability: non-perishable foods (e.g. dried beans, grains), semi-perishable foods (e.g. fresh produce, bread), and perishable foods (e.g. dairy products, meats). Perishable foods are the most vulnerable to spoilage and require proper storage and handling to prevent foodborne illness.

What are the characteristics of the lodging industry?

1.focus on safety,cleanliness and service 2.inseparability of manufacture and sales 3.perishability 4.repititiveness 5.labor intensive ;)

Why strategic plan for education should be dynamic?

Strategic plan of education should be dynamic due to following reasons- # To break the scheduled blockage # Society is dynamic # Perishability # Diversity

How well did fresh pasta sell?

gained market share among the affluent at the expense of its dry counterpart, as it was perceived to be more flavorful and nutritious. It was sold in gourmet shops, as well as restaurants and supermarkets. The drawback of fresh pasta was its perishability

What are the difficulties of target costing in the service sector?

Unlikely manufacturing, service industry have the following characteristics which make cost and perfimance measurement more difficult: SIMULTANEITY- created at the time is consumed HETEROGENITY- qualiy\ consistency varies INTANGIBILITY- of what is provided PERISHABILITY - cannot make it in advance and store it up

What is the Introduction of characteristic of service?

The introduction of characteristics of service refers to identifying and understanding the unique attributes that differentiate services from goods. These characteristics include intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability, which impact how services are designed, delivered, and consumed. Understanding these characteristics is crucial for developing effective service strategies and enhancing customer experiences.

How do you store nonperishable foods?

Yoiu cannot really store perishable food for large amounts of time but to longer it life ther are a few steps that can be taken. 1. Airtight. Perishble goods perish due to contact with oxygen. Kepp it in an airtight container. 2. Light encourages perishability so keep it somewhere dark and cool.