The top of the food and beverage department is run by the operational manager. Directly under the operational manager is the assistant manager. These two collectively manage the restaurant manager and the banquet manager.
The Food and Beverage Manager
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The hierarchy of a food a beverage department has the Food and Beverage Manager at the top. The Director of Service and Marketing (DOSM) and the Food and Beverage Coordinator answer to the Food and Beverage Manager in the hierarchy. Others included are the banquet sales manager, banquet coordinator, assistant food and beverage manager, and the sous chef.
drinks,and beverages
A hotel sales and marketing manager is responsible for creating plans and bringing in business to the hotel. Usually the focus on large groups to fill their conference rooms and drive up food and beverage sales.
Food and beverage personnel include waiters, waitresses, bartenders, and kitchen personnel. Their duties and responsibilities are related to preparing food, serving food and drinks, and clean up duties.
i think di best ting about being a food & beverage manager is preparing the different meals, have"n explore al di different meals, directing employees etc.
The job description for a Food and Beverage Manager may vary slightly depending on the company, however the related link below provides a detailed description.
GO-HEAD, Custom fees, food and beverage, & room service.
what are reservation manager duties
watch the employee serving food, look to see the food in clean area