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Yes absoultely! Hotels are resposible for providing "safe harbor" to their guests and icy stairs do not represent this. The hotel would be liable for any damages, including hospital costs, recovery costs, as well as punitive damages.

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Q: Can you sue a hotel for falling on icy stairs?
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Can you sue a hotel for bed bugs?

Yes of course...but I assume you also wish to win any lawsuit you pursue and therein lies the difficultly. Firstly you must prove you were bitten at the hotel. Of course, the hotel will argue you were bitten at the last place you stayed (home etc). To conclusively prove you were bitten at the hotel you must produce evidence of the bugs being at the hotel and in your room. Secondly, you must prove your hotel was negligent in its actions to avoid you from being bitten by these nasty creatures. Could it have occurred to the last person who stayed in the same room as you and the hotel did nothing about it? Thirdly, if your hotel is a large chain they will have a team of lawyers and deep pockets so beware as the costs for litigation may not be worth your while. Not altogether impossible however if you can answer these three points with conviction then suing may be a possibility for you.

If you fell in the hotel shower can you sue for negligence?

You will only have a successful lawsuit if you can prove that the hotel was negligent. My first question would be: "Why did you slip and fall?" Was there wax on the shower floor that made it slippery? Did you lose your footing and have no handrails to grab on to? Was the shower improperly designed as to create an unreasonable risk of injury? Merely slipping and falling in the hotel shower does not necessarily mean the hotel was negligent and/or liable for your injuries. Because there are many theories of negligence that could apply to your case, and the law regarding slip and fall cases varies from state to state, you should contact a personal injury attorney in the jurisdiction where the hotel is located. I suggest that you choose an attorney who specializes in slip and fall (premises liability) cases. You can find a listing of these attorneys through any reputable online phonebook or through the American Bar Association. See the below link.

I got into a car accident the next day fell down one step in house can I sue their homeowner insurance for the fall?

If the homeowner was negligent in any way...simply falling does not make the homeowner negligent. If the steps were in poor repair, perhaps. BTW, anyone can sue anyone for anything. That does not mean you will prevail.

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No. A warning to patrons was posted and he, apparently, took note of it. He is owed no more reasonable accord than any other patron of the business.