No. Houses are a type of place to live. More types are flat, castle, bungalow, caravan, mansion etc
A home can be any of these things. Some people say it is where you live, some say a home is actually somewhere you can feel safe and happy.
you could say About the same amount of houses. Answered by Lilia
Park homes are houses that are prefabricated that is manufactured off-site. Park homes are also called mobile homes. They are usually just an empty house; however, the good thing is that they are easily movable.
They live in the same kind of places as other people, namely houses, flats, apartments, mobile homes etc.
houses durh
Smal homes
adobe houses
Houses in Morocco are typically smaller than in Europe or the United States, but some wealthier individuals have larger homes or homes comensurate in size with European homes.
People in Cuba live in many types of houses and apartments. At one time there was a large middle class in Cuba, and many of the homes in the large cities built up until 1960 are similar to homes you might see in the United States from the same time period. There are a wide variety of homes, from rural shacks to historic mansions.
Exactly the same solar panels and systems made for regular houses will work in Mobile homes.
do you mean row houses, they are also called garden homes or terraces or town houses
adobe houses
Houses, homes, cities and towns.