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In constructing a commercial playground, you can always take the easy route. A few chain-link swings, a plastic slide, maybe some monkey bars, and you’re done. However, if you want a really unique, incredible space for children to call their own, creative thinking is required. There are many beautiful options for creating a one of a kind playground for a community.

Step One: Create a Theme

Themed playgrounds are loved by children and adults alike. When it comes to dreaming up a theme, there are only a few guidelines to follow. First of all, the theme must be something that can be incorporated into playground equipment. If you are creative enough, you may find that even the most abstract of ideas can be made into a playground. Next, you may want to make your playground educational, so a science or history theme could be incorporated into the design of the playground. A playground celebrating a state or the history of a town would be a great idea that would spur local interest. Thirdly, the playground design should be something that children will enjoy. Pirates are popular, but should be made to look more friendly than scary. You want to attract the broadest crowd as possible, and don’t want to scare away young children.

Step Two: Finding and Creating Unique Equipment

It is possible to find unique playground equipment, especially if online sources are used. However, special touches like a rock climbing wall painted like precious gems, a tunnel decorated with paintings by local artists, or a hand print wall with the prints of area school children, can really give a playground something exceptional. Equipment that must be used as a group can encourage a sense of community. Accessibility is key in including all people. Remember to install wheelchair ramps and ground level equipment that can be used by children with a spectrum of different needs and abilities.

Step Three: Involve the Community

Without the people in a community, there is no need for a playground. Therefore, involve your hometown! Ask citizens for their opinions and ideas. Community members are often willing to help a good cause, and enjoying a commercial playground may be the most fun way to give back!

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Q: How to Find Unique Commercial Playground Equipment?
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How to Design Community-Oriented Commercial Playground Equipment?

Having a park or playground in a community can greatly increase the family-friendly feel on an area. Involving the community in this process can bring together people and give them a sense of ownership about the project. In addition, actual families may integrate features into the playground that wouldn’t otherwise be included. Whenever you are working with a lot of people, however, challenges can come up. Here is the best way to design commercial playground equipment with community involvement. Make a Budget Working with the city engineers, as well as the company that will be designing and placing the commercial playground equipment, develop a reasonable budget for materials. You should also project how much volunteer labor you are expecting from community donations. This will create your budget. Having this in place in the beginning creates a reasonable picture of how extensive the project will be. It also will show you what areas in which fund raising may be appropriate to fill in the gaps. Get the Word Out For a community playground to work, you must have a lot of buzz and excitement in the area where the project will be completed. Your commercial playground equipment, of course, will be a hard cost. However, a lot of the other factors will be accomplished via volunteer efforts. If the community isn’t aware of what is happening, they won’t come out to help. Advertise in papers, local magazines, television and radio. It can also work to visit various community groups- especially those that are family oriented- and give a presentation explaining how your playground project will benefit families in the area. Give the groups actionable things that they can do to help design and install the commercial playground equipment. Delegate Jobs Some of the jobs that will need to be done will be overseen by professionals. The rest will be accomplished by amateur labor. In order for this to work seamlessly, organization will be a key component. Assign several people to manage the volunteer labor. Most teams find that signing up specific individuals for certain jobs and shifts is the best approach. Keep in mind that families will want to put their mark on their community commercial playground equipment; there will be many children to young to help, so providing childcare during the busiest work hours is a great idea.

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One could find commercial restaurant equipment at Nella Cutlery. They offer everything from mixers, trays and utensils all the way to ovens and fridges.

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