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Q: A 13 letter word for believe something based on ignorance?
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What is a false belief based on fear and ignorance?

that you don't believe on fear and ignorance

Do people die for what they believe in?

total commitment to the belief, whether based in ignorance or fact.

What is racism mainly based on?

Stupidity and ignorance.

Did ancient Koreans believe that the world will end 2012?

No they didn't. The 2012 date is based on a combination of bad math, misinterpreting the Mayan calendar (willfully or through ignorance), and pseudo science.

How is faith knowledge different from consensus knowledge?

Faith knowledge is based on belief in something, while consensus knowledge is based on accepting something if others believe it to be true.

Why there are information based on ignorance and prejudice?

tinatanung k nga dba?

Who is based god?

Based God is the epitome of life. He is literally sex. He answers every prayer. He gave me something to believe in. #TYBG #BGYCFMB

What is the expostion in the story The Giver?

takes place in a community thst is based on sameness and ignorance.

What is it called when you make a decision to believe that something about something is true?

It is called forming a belief. This involves accepting something as true or real, often based on evidence, experiences, or personal understanding.

Is your brother eviL?

evil definition is based on your min set. accommodate and identify ignorance, the evil meaning erases.

What beliefs are based on fear and ignorance?

Beliefs that perpetuate stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice are often rooted in fear and ignorance. These beliefs can lead to harmful actions and attitudes towards others based on superficial characteristics or misinformation. It is important to challenge these beliefs and seek understanding through education and empathy.

Why do scientists believe that most life in the universe is based on carbon?

Because that's all we're familiar with. Hard to conceive of life based on something not similar to us. They're probably wrong