Kamakaze - Japanese pilots who flew suicidal attacks against Allied ships. Kreigsmarine - Germany Navy branch of service. Kiska Island - On 15 August 1943, a joint American and Canadian force landed on this island in Alaska to take control from the Japanese. The force found no enemy on the island. K-ration - A type of prepared Army meal.
Kasserine Pass - Battle in North Africa that was the first defeat of US troops in Europe.
Kampfgruppe - German term for a Task force, one of the basic fighting units made of combined arms that was larger than a regiment. Karabiner 98k rifle - German term for the Mauser Model 98K Carbine. Kettenkrad, Sd.Kfz.2 - German name of a light, tracked vehicle used by paratroopers. It carried a crew of 3 and weighed 2,650 lbs. Kriegesgefangen - German term for Prisoner of War. Albert K. Kesselring, Field marshal - Commander-in-Chief, German Armed Forces in Italy(OBSW). He commanded the entire defense of mainland Italy. He was tried tried by a British court at Venice for ordering the massacre of 335 Italians in the Ardeatine caves and other war crimes. He was sentenced to death on 7 May 1947. But his sentence commuted to life imprisonment on 4 July 1947 and released n 1952.
World War II terms that start with the letter Y:The Yalta Conference in February 1945 was attended by Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. The leaders discussed the post war reorganization of Europe.Yorktown - The U.S. navy had a class of US aircraft carriers called the Yorktown.
Yalta .
as in the case of any war FUTILE
Okaniwa and Operation Overlord
· Third Reich · Truman, Harry S.
In terms of what?
Robert Oppenheimer was a physicist in charge of the Manhattan Project. The project developed the atomic bomb.
The invasion of Normandy Beach was code named Operation Overlord.
No - Hitler was blamed for starting the war.
the official terms of peace during world war 1 was the signing of the peace treaty of versallies.