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One term is sadistic.

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Q: Words to describe a person who likes punishment?
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What are some words that can be used to describe a person who likes to hear bad news?

A negative person or a paranoid personality.

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Adjectives are describing words. An adjective that begins with the letter "Y" that can be used to describe a crayfish is yabby. Depending on how much a person likes crayfish, they may use yummy yummier, and yummiest to describe them.

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he is a very nice kind and smart boy who likes to think things through first.

What is chocaholic?

A "chocoholic" is a person addicted to chocolate. In other words, someone who really likes chocolate.

Meaning of Please the eye?

This phrase is used to describe something that someone will like. To please the eye means that the person likes what they see.

Word to describe you starting with J?

I always hated this when teachers would have me do this... I mean there are not that many describing words that begin with "J". So I always used Jolly or Jovial... But my favorite one I ever used and a friend gave it to me was "JAMMIN". Everyone always likes that one.

What are some words that describe frogs?

Frogs are amphibians. They have smooth skin and long tongues.