

Words ending in cracy

Updated: 10/23/2022
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βˆ™ 9y ago

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Some words that end in cracy are democracy, monocracy, and autocracy. More words are plutocracy, aristocracy, meritocracy, and technocracy.

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Words that end in cracy?


What words contain the root cracy?

Some words that contain the root "cracy" include democracy, aristocracy, and theocracy. These words refer to different systems or forms of government based on who holds power.

What are words with a root from aristocracy?

Arist meaning gay and cracy meaning murderer

What does the root cracy?

The root "cracy" means "rule" or "government." It is commonly seen in words like democracy (rule by the people), aristocracy (rule by the elite), and meritocracy (rule by the competent).

Democracy comes from what two words?

Demos, greek - the people cracy.. probably also from greek - ruling

What does the sufix -cracy mean?

The suffix "-cracy" means rule or government by a specific group of people. It is commonly used in words like democracy (rule by the people), aristocracy (rule by the nobility), and autocracy (rule by a single individual).

What are some words that end with the suffix -cracy?

democracy, autocracy, aristocracy, theocracy, meritocracy, plutocracy, bureaucracy, mobocracy

What words end with the suffix cracy?

Democracy - government by the peopleTheocracy - government by a dietyAutocracy - government by the supreme power of one personAristocracy - government by the eliteMobocracy - rule of the mobBureaucracy - government run by a non-elected group of specialists

What does cracy mean in greek?

It means rule

What are some words that end with -cracy?

"...cracy" is NOT a prefix (at the beginning of a word), it is a SUFFIX (at the end of a word). as in democracy, theocracy, plutocracy

What are some words that end in cracy?

democracyautocracyaristocracykleptocracyplutocracytheocracyvideocracytimocracyOchlocracyautocracy , meritocracy, aristocracy, bureaucracy, theocracy, demonocracy, doulocracy, gerontocracy, gynocracy, kakistocracy, kleptocracy, democracy.

What is the greek origin word for democracy hehe im on answers com lol?

democracy (δημοκρατία) demo-cracy demo (δήμος) :the people -cracy (κράτος) :power