Some words that end in "cial" include special, beneficial, official, and artificial.
Some words that end in "cial" are special, crucial, commercial, and beneficial.
No there are two syllables in the word special. Spe-cial.
Official, beneficial, crucial.
The second syllable - im-por-tance
There are four syllables. Es-pe-cial-ly.
The word commercial has 3 syllables:com/mer/cial
There are 3 syllables in financial:fi/nan/cial
The word socialism has three syllables. The syllables in the word are so-cial-ism.
There are four syllables in the word officially. (O-fi-cial-ly)
The word special has two syllables. The syllables in the word are spe-cial.
There are 4 syllables. Ar-ti-fi-cial.