

Best Answer

No , a crumpled up airplane will have problems with the air not flowing smoothly across the wings .

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Q: Will a crumbled up airplane fly further then a regular paper airplane?
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Which paper airplane flies further the dart or the custom?


Why would a paper airplane go further than another?

beacause it has air loaded

What falls fastest a crumpled paper ball or folded paper?


Will the crumbled paper folded paper or unfolded paper fall first?

The crumbled. It's more like a ball, unlike the 2D paper. And since you can't keep the paper completely folded, It might as well be in 2nd place.

Dose the size of a paper airplane depend on how far they go?

the longer a paper air plane gets up until 13in the further it flys.

Does a hole affect a paper airplane?

The effect of a hole on a paper airplane would depend on the type of paper airplane the hole is on, and where it is on the aircraft.

Does the disign of a paper airplane effect it?

Yes, the design of a paper airplane can effect its performance.

Who made the the first paper airplane?

Leonardo da Vinci made the first paper airplane

How far does a arrow paper airplane?

Farther than any other paper airplane that i know of

How will a paper airplane fly without wings?

A paper airplane cannot fly without a wing.

What in the independent variable in a paper airplane experiment?

In a paper airplane experiment, the independent variable is the factor that is being deliberately manipulated or changed by the researcher. This could be the type of paper used, the design of the paper airplane, the angle of launch, or the force applied when throwing the airplane.

Which flies paper airplane or foil airplane?

Paper, because it is much lighter, and a foil airplane will take up much more mass.