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One way in which it can be considered an example of one kind of dualism is because Plato distinguishes those who manage to apprehend things as they really are (in sunlight) from those who only think they apprehend things as they are (because they are in a dim cave looking only at shadows that they mistakenly take to be real).


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Q: Why is Platos Allegory of the Cave considered to be an example of dualism?
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In Plato's doctrine of Forms or Ideas, he believed in a higher reality in which perfect, unchanging forms exist. An allegory could represent this by portraying a world where there are higher truths and ideals that transcend the physical world. Characters or elements in the allegory may symbolize these perfect Forms, guiding individuals towards enlightenment or understanding of the true nature of reality.

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The cave in Plato's allegory represents the world of appearances and illusion, where people are trapped and only see shadows of reality. It symbolizes ignorance, the material world, and the journey towards true knowledge and enlightenment. It suggests that people need to break free from ignorance and explore the realm of higher truths and ideas.

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"Lava los platos" in English means "wash the dishes."

What does Platos mean in English?

Platos can mean "dishes or plates" when translated into english.

What was Platos philosophy?

Plato's philosophy is characterized by his belief in an objective reality that exists beyond the physical world, known as the world of Forms. He believed in the immortality of the soul and that knowledge is innate and can be recollected through dialectic reasoning. Plato also emphasized the importance of justice, ethics, and the pursuit of truth in achieving a harmonious society.

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Entre platos y notas - 1930 was released on: USA: 1930

What actors and actresses appeared in Entre Platos - 2012?

The cast of Entre Platos - 2012 includes: Jonathan Kebe as Himself - Host

What is Platos chicos?

small plates

What is entrees in Spanish?

Platos Principales

How do you say dishes in Spanish?

For the things we refer to in English as "plates", it would be "platos". As in a pretty girl, "bombón". As in a type of food, "comida".