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because he find a stone that gran a wish

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Q: Why does the narrator refer to the stone as that token of preposterous time?
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What does a token of preposterous time mean the lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," a token of preposterous time refers to the pig's head, also known as the Lord of the Flies, that Simon encounters in the forest. The pig's head symbolizes the evil and darkness within the boys, as well as the decay of civilization and morality on the island. It serves as a reminder of the destructive power of fear and violence.

Why does miss crosman give the narrator the umbrella?

Miss Crosman gives the narrator the umbrella as a token of gratitude for the narrator's kind gesture or help. It symbolizes appreciation and reflects Miss Crosman's desire to reciprocate the kindness shown to her.

What does the phrase 'and the stillness gave no token' mean in the poem 'The Raven'?

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token," The narrator has just heard a tapping at his chamber door, but nothing was outside the door. The narrator is imagining the worst. The word token here means 'clue' or 'tangible representation' for the source of the tapping.

Who is a special unit of data which acts as a key on a Token Ring?

That's called a "token".That's called a "token".That's called a "token".That's called a "token".

Do you say token of money or token amount of money?

It depends what you mean to say. "Token of money" means a coinlike substitute for real money, which can be used exclusively on buses or other forms of mass transit. These are usually called "tokens". A token amount of something, on the other hand, is an amount just large enough to be able to say that it was paid. In the same way that a token minority employee is the one employee of the minority hired to prove that minorities are hired, a "token amount of money" is an amount given just to say that something was given. People often talk about leaving a token amount of money to someone in their wills, saying "I leave to my cousin John Jones the sum of one dollar." Likewise, a token amount of money might refer to an honorarium, a gift for services which is grossly less than the value of the services really is, and which is given to volunteers. Where I come from, "token amount of money" is more idiomatic than "token of money". It may be different elsewhere.

Who generates the token in token ring?


What is the sentence of token?

Black is a token of mourning.

security token offering?

security token offering company

Where the last adventure token - for the game Milmo - is on Rose Island?

Token 1: Behind a tree on the island. Token 2: On the Rose branch. Token 3: On one of the floating platforms. Token 4: Under one same floating platform. Token 5: Under the last bend floating platform. Token 6: In a grass sink on the ground. Token 7: Behind the boat. Token 8: Under the floating enemy platform. There is a hole on the platform you can climb down from. The token is hidden somewhere under it.

What is a sentence using the word token?

They had to have a token to ride the ride. A small, inexpensive gift is a token gift.

What does a ooze token do in magic the gathering?

An Ooze token is a creature that can be created. The token card is the representation of that creature.

What is proper English by the same token or at the same token?

"By the same token" is correct. The token gives you two for one, like buying two items with one dollar. Two ideas have a shared cause or basis. You get both "by" using the same token, not by being "at" the same token.